244 5th Avenue, 2nd Fl., Suite 1454
New York, NY 10001
Phone +1-212-713-5336
You and your family are among the select few who can choose from any lifestyle, product, amenity, or medical service. Yet you may still become entangled in a health care system and its bureaucratic overlay. Certain aspects of modern medical care may not be obvious, and they may affect your well-being and the quality of your medical care. Fifth Avenue Concierge Medicine, PLLC helps you understand these.
What follows are some (perhaps obvious) truths. Managing your risk means understanding these.
The “best” health care, or the “best” hospital, does not exist – such claims are pure advertising. Rather, there are centers of excellence depending on which specific doctors (and nurses) work there. Not infrequently, you will find variability even within such centers.
Limitations of choice in some countries, regions, or facilities can affect all aspects of your medical care, from prevention to diagnosis, to treatment. Also:
Third-party interests may run counter to your personal health and wellness objectives:
Reimbursement and regulatory processes may attempt to incentivize medical professionals to service outside interests.
Time-honored, effective medications that have a known risk-benefit record may be overlooked once their patent protection, and thus profitability, has expired.
Some novel treatments may be primarily market-driven, designed for and tested under conditions very different from yours.
New, life-saving developments may take 7-10 years to become publicly available. As a patient, you may not benefit from advances in medical science in a timely manner, or may be unnecessarily exposed to potentially hazardous treatments.